Price Match Guarantee

We want to give you the best price possible.

We do a lot of things to deliver low prices. We check competitor prices within New Zealand, and whenever we find a lower price, we drop our price accordingly.
We try and ensure we have the lowest prices, however when we don't, we offer you and every customer a Price Match Guarantee. Where, if you find a competitor's price is lower on the same stocked item, we'll match it.

Don't forget our price match guarantee excludes trade quotes, stock liquidations and bulk/commercial quantities.

Scuba Gear's price guarantee applies to any lower price on an item that is currently stocked and available from an online store, or in a physical store in New Zealand. It applies where the other retailer’s final price, inclusive of delivery, taxes, fees and charges, is lower than our price on the day that the price guarantee is requested.

If you have any further queries, please call 0800 348 347
